Tunnel Serendipity Pendant


Genesis Collection

The handsculpted cuffs of the Tunnel Serendipity Pendant stack as high as can be on top of the outward facing globe. The unique movement of this fixture eagerly awaits the slightest adjustment to a cuff for a change of direction. Glazed in velvet white. Custom options are available.

Each light is handcrafted and remains a unique model.

$3530.00 List Price

Created by Crosland & Emmons in Savanah, Georgia, US.

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Genesis Collection

The handsculpted cuffs of the Tunnel Serendipity Pendant stack as high as can be on top of the outward facing globe. The unique movement of this fixture eagerly awaits the slightest adjustment to a cuff for a change of direction. Glazed in velvet white. Custom options are available.

Each light is handcrafted and remains a unique model.

$3530.00 List Price

Created by Crosland & Emmons in Savanah, Georgia, US.

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Genesis Collection

The handsculpted cuffs of the Tunnel Serendipity Pendant stack as high as can be on top of the outward facing globe. The unique movement of this fixture eagerly awaits the slightest adjustment to a cuff for a change of direction. Glazed in velvet white. Custom options are available.

Each light is handcrafted and remains a unique model.

$3530.00 List Price

Created by Crosland & Emmons in Savanah, Georgia, US.

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Albatros Hanging
Albatros Duo Hanging
Selene Sautoir - 1 Pendant
Stacked Pendant